But that's okay. I've recently started trying really hard to life and mental health into a better position, and part of that is not forcing myself to do thing just because I feel like I should. So I'm only wearing lolita when it makes me happy, not because I decided months ago that wearing lolita to work from home was a good idea. It's not a bad idea, but I'm not going to force it. It's got to bring me joy and not just be a thing that I do.
So my first lolita outfit was worn to run an errand and go to an appointment on the last Friday of the month. And for my outfit photo I asked James to snap me on our awesome new couch!
So my first lolita outfit was worn to run an errand and go to an appointment on the last Friday of the month. And for my outfit photo I asked James to snap me on our awesome new couch!
OP & Headbow: Lady Sloth Verrry Berry Picnic
OTKS: Metamorphose temps de fille
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao
The outfit isn't much to write home about, but it felt good to wear lolita again. I also happened to have a pretty decently matching mask from Pastel Poisons which I wore while interacting with people, so I grabbed a selfie in that too ^__^

Then it was September, I got my "July" haul in and was really excited to wear some of my new things...so I did the very next day for working from home!
Skirt: Metamorphose temps de fille
Cutsew: The Black Ribbon
Bolero: Maxicimam
OTKS, Necklace & Bracelet: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao
I still have so much love for Patisserie Dream, it's such a perfect print to me. But most of all...OMG this new bolero is perfect! Seriously, if you're plus-size I really, really recommend Maxicimam. This is my new favourite item of lolita outwear, it's so comfy and warm and looks really good.
A week and a bit passed before I felt the lolita urge again. I almost didn't wear the outfit I'd pulled out the night before, but since I had a tiny Zoom meeting with my awesomely nerdy coworker, I decided I actually get dressed rather than repping the PJs. And I'm happy I did, because I really liked this outfit!
Skirt: Wonderpunk Jurassic Party
Cutsew: Mary Rose
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand/Handmade
Jurassic Party is a challenging piece for me since I don't really have much lavender or purple in my wardrobe, but this year I've managed to wear it a few different ways so I'm happy ^__^
I was starting to get more back into the lolita vibe, so the next Monday I wore a coord to work from home in again. Nothing really noteworthy about this one (except my discovery that this dress won't fit my new petticoat) but that's okay.
OP: Metamorphose temps de fille Berry Stripe
Cutsew: Mary Rose
Socks: Jane Marple
Shoes: Bodyline
Necklace: Lady Sloth
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao
Then it was Thursday and I dressed up again to work from home. And I discovered another piece that won't take my big petticoat - my handmade green skirt.
Skirt & Headbow: Handmade
Cutsew: Axes Femme
OTKS: Innocent World
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao
I actually really enjoyed wearing this coord, because it felt like the first time I've done something unique with this skirt! That's not actually true at all, but it is the first time I've worn a different top than my Black Ribbon cutsew with it ^__^
However...I am seriously thinking of parting with this skirt. I've mentioned before that it doesn't excite me, and it still doesn't really. The shape is also a bit awkward. But I get very sad when I think about selling it! Decisions, decisions...
The next day, Friday, I wore lolita to my weekly counselling appointment. Afterwards a friend came to our house and I got lots of compliments ^__^
Skirt & Headbow: Handmade
Cutsew: The Black Ribbon
Cardigan: Banned
Shoes & Socks: Bodyline
Bag: Angelic Pretty
Everything else: Offbrand
With that coord, I have worn every main piece that fits me at least three times this year. Wow! I'm really happy with how much I've worn lolita this year, even if I've abandoned my original goal of daily wear while working from home. Changing goals is okay! I've been keeping a running list of what order I wore things in so my main pieces get somewhat equal wear, but I think from here on I'm just going to wear what I feel like for a while ^__^
And that's all for August and September! I have a feeling that October is going to be a little more prolific in terms of outfits. After all, I'm on a roll but also warmer weather is coming and that makes getting out of my PJs in the morning a lot more appealing!
Wearing frills only when you feel like it is a good strategy. That way it doesn't become a chore. Besides, because you've already worn lolita so much this year and can still worn from home, it's not like waiting until the mood strikes would be tempting fate and like you're at risk of the mood never striking. By now it's a lot more of a habit and without that self-imposed pressure, your mood will probably manifest itself a bit more often (whether you want to/can act on it every time is another matter - we all know that sometimes energy just isn't there, even if the desire is).
ReplyDeleteI must say, the Jurassic Party and your handmade green coords are my favourites here? I'd never think to pair a purple skirt with reds. Verrry Berry Picnic works because it has reds in, but because Jurassic Party doesn't, I probably wouldn't even think to try and that'd be a shame because that's such a fun outfit. And the green skirt coord is such a calm opposite of that, the Axes Femme cutsew gives it an almost studious vibe (librarian or a student, that's up to you) and since it's autumn for me, it works with that too with the colour palette. But they're all great outfits, further proof that putting wearing lolita off for when you want to wear it is a great choice because the fun you're having with your coords comes across. :D
Exactly! Haha though there is danger of the mood not striking often, I like staying comfortable lol. Totally right about removing the pressure increasing motivation...brains are a bit silly like that but hey, I'll take it ^__^
DeleteI'm happy to hear you like those coords! I loved that take on Jurassic Party as well, and you nice comment is making me look more fondly on the green skirt coord too.