Recently I completed Raine Dragon's lolita buying habits survey and it made me think a bit about the make up of my wardrobe, how it has changed over the years, and what it says about me as a lolita.
The specific question was about the amount of main pieces in your wardrobe from various sources. I had to count, but it turns out I own 14 main pieces from Japanese brands, 9 from Bodyline, 1 from an indie brand, 4 handmade, and 2 custom-made by a designer who doesn't typically do lolita (so I don't count them as "indie").
And of those brand main pieces, 8 are Meta...
I was incredibly surprised to discover that almost half of my main pieces were brand, and I was curious to see how this ratio was in the rest of my wardrobe. So I went and counted my blouses and outerwear as well, though I didn't go into socks or accessories or shoes.
In terms of cutsews and blouses, I have 12 from Japanese brands (though not all lolita brands, this includes Axes Femme and similar brands), 6 from indie brands, 4 from Bodyline, and 2 offbrand options. In the outerwear category I have 15 items from Japanese brands, 1 indie, 1 handmade, 1 custom-made from Lyris Design, and 3 offbrand.
So in tops I have a little less than half from Japanese brands, and in outerwear I have around three-quarters brand. Which means that my wardrobe as a whole really is about a fifty-fifty split of Japanese brands vs other sources.
This really surprised me. I knew that over the past 5 years I have definitely been buying for brand items than when I started, but I didn't think that fully half my wardrobe was brand by now. And that realisation leaves me in a bit of an odd position when thinking about who I am in this subculture.
My latest haul - some new, some secondhand, some brand, some not.
See, I used to think of myself as a bit of a...not necessarily a budget lolita, but more of a "don't care about brand" lolita. And to an extent I think I still am - if it's nice and I like it, I like it regardless of source. However, knowing that my wardrobe is now just as much brand as not came as a surprise.
I bought my first brand in mid-2014 and since then my buying habits have skewed, slowly but surely, to more brand focus. Not exclusively, and I don't think it will ever be exclusive, but I certainly buy more brand than anything these days, though it's pretty much all secondhand.
While this was a bit of a shock to the system, I like that I am actually now more than ever living up to my intention of having a wardrobe full of things I like, regardless of source. There's nothing wrong with loving a particular brand and stocking your wardrobe with that brand and that brand only, but that's never been my preference.
I don't quite know how to wrap this up as it's probably the most rambly post I've done in a while and I don't really have a point to make. But it's interesting to look back at my loltia buying habits and wardrobe make-up and see trends that I wasn't aware of.