Simple answer; bloomers, definitely bloomers.
How adorable are these? If I were the type to spend $100 on bloomers...
As we all know, lolita is a fashion that lends itself well
to flashing. The skirts are like sails for catching wind, the petti poof means
that your skirt is away from your legs, and generally knee-length skirts of any
variety are pretty easy to expose your knickers in. Now, I don’t have a problem
with flashing generally, and I know for a fact I’ve worn more than my fair
share of short skirts with no modesty shorts in my life. However, in lolita I
feel like bloomers really are a part of the overall look and feel.
A cute way to cover your knickers in a country coord!
These are from indie brand Sugar Trampoline.
Let’s start with the assumption that at some point while
wearing lolita, you will flash. When this happens, given that lolita is such a
comprehensive aesthetic, I feel like the underwear on show should also fit that
aesthetic. And I’m a person who doesn’t like fussy knickers, so the solution is
to cover up whatever comfy thing I’m wearing with bloomers that (at least to
some extent) match the rest of my coord. It’s not just modesty, it’s style!
Holding up your OTKS as well as preserving your modesty? Genius.
Writing this blog made me realise I actually want more
bloomers; comfier ones in more colours! Currently I only own two pairs, as I don’t
wear lolita very frequently. What’s your bloomer collection like?