
Friday, 20 November 2015

Blue floral bouquet outfits

As is my norm, I get a new dress and I make outfits with it. And my newest wardrobe addition, as reviewed here, is Bodyline's L51. Overall, it is a surprising versatile dress!

As you can see, there are quite a few shades to work with other than the obvious sax blue and ivory. We have pink, darker blue and and orangey-peach as well. That's one of the reasons why I love this dress so much!

First, I wanted to take it in a casual sweet direction with simple accessories. I like outfits like this, where you work in some offbrand pieces to make a really toned down, but still very lolita, look.

And then, of course, blue! The tights seem darker than the blouse here, but once they're actually on a pair of legs I don't think the colour difference would be too much. This is a very blue look, possibly too blue for me, but I think it's really pretty.

Lastly, I wanted to play with peach and I have to say that this is my favourite outfit of the lot! It's just got a vibe that I really like.

As you can see, I didn't even do a single coord here with the obvious ivory or my usual brown. Which just goes to show how versatile this dress is, that I didn't have to resort to a single one of my usual coording staples.

Are there any dresses in your lolita wardrobe that just seem to go with nearly everything else you own?


  1. Wow, I didn't think this dress would be so nice from the stock photos! I especially like the first coord, it's very fresh and summery.
    My most versatile dress is probably Royal Cats JSK by Leur Getter, it's very simple and graphic, and just looks good no matter what I wear it with.

    1. I think that mis-leading stock photos are a big thing in lolita, lol. And thank you!

      Ooooh I had to google that dress but I can see what you mean, you could style that in a lot of different ways.

  2. Unfortunately I sold the piece but I really loved Metamorphose's Rose Letter "mini" Skirt in Brown. It had some beige, yellow and green and red in it so it was really easy to coordinate. The waist was elasticated too; food friendly. I sold it as part of a set with a brown blouse. I'm thinking about trying to get hold of it again as I really miss it in my wardrobe.

    Love the outfits btw. Having matching blouse and shoes really seems to make the coordinating process quite easy.
    I must do a post at some point about my wardrobe progress and how I'm trying to make my wardrobe easier to coordinate. I'd really love your opinion on it.

    1. Yeah, that is a really cute skirt and definitely looks easy (and fun) to coord. You should totally track it down again if you like it so much!

      Thank you ^__^ I have quite a soft spot for matching blouses and shoes. I'd love to see your post on making your wardrobe easier to coordinate!

  3. I love that blue coord! Where did you get that blouse?

    1. Thank you! The blouse is the Princess of the Rose blouse from The Floral Notebook. I have a review up but it's my favourite blouse and I have it in four colours, lol.
