
Saturday, 15 February 2025

I only have a tiny lolita capsule wardrobe

As you know, last year James and I relocated to Tasmania. We came down here with only the contents of our tiny car and left everything else in storage.

This meant that whilst I did bring some lolita clothes with me - this subculture is too much an integral art of me to do otherwise - all I could bring was a tiny capsule that amounted to realistically being a single coord with a bunch of variations.

Yep, that's it. But as a capsule, it worked rather well. Whilst every possible coord naturally would use the same dress and shoes, there's some variation there.

And, of course, it hasn't stayed that small. As I wrote a while ago, I received a cloak from Lolita Inside and it works with lolita, though I have since decided it's not really a proper part of my wardrobe. I know it may seem like an arbitrary line but I would not wear that cloak as part of a regular coord, therefore I'm counting it as part of my costume collection that can, on occasion, be used in lolita. I have several items like that in my regular wardrobe too.


Anyway, thrifting down here has been pretty good on the lolita front, so my current wardrobe actually looks more like this.

Since putting that collage together I've also made a bunch of jewellery and acquired a crochet mushroom handbag. In addition I have the following projects in the works (or at least have the materials for them):

  • A long sleeve red upcycled cutsew
  • A tan and offwhite apron skirt with mathcing headpiece
  • A cream and pink/red floral skirt with matching headpiece
  • A red floral OP with matching headpiece
  • Several pairs of socks to decorate, both knee high and ankle length
  • A ivory lace top to turn into a bolero
  • Brown boots and offwhite sheer blouse not pictured until I finish the YouTube video they're for
  • An old-school gobelin headdress 
  • A pink with white lace headbow
  • A prin short sleeve shirred blouse
  • A pink-and-blue men's collared shirt to turn into a blouse
  • A pale green men's collared shirt, ditto

And on top of all that, I have plenty more jewellery supplies and lace for wristcuffs...I have a lot to do! ^__^

All in all, I've loved having this capsule wardrobe. I feel it's really made me more creative and more thoughtful. With a larger wardrobe, if something doesn't work you can just wear something else, but in a capsule every single thing matters. I like that it has stretched me in ways that I've never experienced, even as a new lolita. 

I've also been enjoying documenting my capsule journey, and intend to do more of it!

If you prefer to see things in video form, here are two YouTube videos where I've talked about my capsule. I've mentioned before that I'm more into video content than vlogging these days, but I hope this post was enjoyable nevertheless ^__^



Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Coordinates from October - December 2024

October was hectic - mostly moving, but also getting a new secondhand car and the day job getting extra full on. Fortunately, things were significantly more settled towards the end of the month, which meant that when James and I decided to go to a local Geek Market, I threw together a quick costume coord with my little antlers and some deer makeup.

JSK & OTKS: Metamorphose temps de fille
Blouse: Glittertale
Shoes: Bodyline
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Antlers: Bedevilled Horns
Flowers: Taobao

You can't really see it, but I'm wearing a cute green and white bead bracelet I bought at the market from Haromega. I tried to take a close up but failed so...yeah...

But, in most exciting lolita news, James spotted someone selling these boots. In my size. For $5. 

I will admit, they're not something I'd have normally bought if I was hunting for shoes online, they're a bit too...modern?... for my lolita tastes but for that price, great condition, right there, there was no way I'd pass them up! Especially given how tiny my current wardrobe is, adding a pair of shoes makes a big impact.

Then, as is usual for me, especially in recent times, it was a while before I wore lolita again. But I did bust out the frills when I needed a motivation boost to WFH in early December. I felt cute and put together, and the coord did it's job of making me feel like a proper human being for the day so yay!

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille
Blouse: Glittertale
Headbow: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Everything else: Offbrand 

I really liked this coord. The simplicity really felt like going back to a very "me" style of coordinating and actually got me excited for wearing lolita more. Fingers crossed I get some sewing time in soon, because I'd love to have a few more pieces in my wardrobe.

Also, since I dyed my hair back to natural and it came out a bit darker...with the red headbow I'm feeling a bit Snow White ^__^

So nothing too noteworthy over the end of the year, but I'm finally settled and have big (little) plans for my lolita capsule so we'll see what the new year brings!

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Coordinates from July - September 2024

Oh boy, another three months gone and barely a coord worn for good reason. Did I mention that winter in Tasmania is cold. because it's been super cold! I also attended ICoN Photofest in September, so my focus was really on cosplay rather than lolita for a good while. And then we had to move. So, you know...

The only coord(s) I wore were for the LolitaInside collab post and video. But they were bute, so enjoy!

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille Rose Stripe Shirring
Blouse: Glittertale
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao

This coord is what I initially wore for my LolitaInside unboxing video, and I really liked it. I missed wearing berets!

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille Rose Stripe Shirring
Blouse: Glittertale
Cape: Alice Girl
Socks: Innocent World
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao 

I also enjoyed my "show off the cape" version of the coord. And remember if you do buy anything from LolitaInside to use my 5% off code CAROLINE ^__^

 And that's it. Hopefully once we're moved things will quiet down as we get towards the end of the year.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Lolita Inside & Alice Girl Review

Recently, the team at Lolita Inside reached out to me to collaborate. They were kind enough to send me an item of my choice in exchange for this post and oh boy, am I grateful and happy that they did, because I have a gorgeous new addition to my wardrobe!

Stock photo.

This is the Pirate Series Navigation Treasure Hunting Guide Embroidery Handsome Lolita Cloak in brown. I ordered the 3XL and it is perfect for me. The brand is Alice Girl.

First of all, I love it. It is well made, very pretty, and fits me very well - possibly even a bit big! The hardware used, from the buttons to the zipper, is good quality and matches well in style. The fabric is a light suede and the embroidery is well done. I only noticed one tiny flaw in the whole thing - the ends of the trim in one place are fraying a little.

James was lovely enough to do a little photoshoot for me ^__^

Style-wise, it's definitely not a conventional lolita piece, but I think it still works. It's also great for steampunk, pirate and fantasy outfits, which I am definitely going to be using it for!

One of my favourite features is the the hood has a zipper down the centre, which can be undone, turning the hood into a capelet layer. And, of course, you can wear it with the buttons done up or not, with the arm hole thingies open or closed, and you can even button the armhole thingies back onto the side seams for a more open front. Yes, I know I'm not describing that well but it's the best I can do!

Anyway, at the risk of sounding repetitive I am very happy with this cloak and I think I'll get a lot of use out of it.

I am also happy with Lolita Inside. Obviously, this was not a regular purchase but the team I dealt with via email were polite and friendly. The package, pictured above, arrived to me in Australia in 8 days. I liked the patterned postage satchel - it was a fun touch - and inside the cloak was in an Alice Girl bag.

Now, keep in mind that since Lolita Inside is not the manufacturer of the items they sell, product quality may be variable. I can certainly recommend this cloak, and assume other items from Alice Girl would be of similar quality, but that's just something to be mindful of.

Click here to check out the Lolita Inside store, and if you make a purchase use code CAROLINE for a 5% discount (and I will early a small commission).

Monday, 1 July 2024

Coordinates from January - June 2024

I know, I know...I'm posting less now that ever. But I have valid reasons, just keep reading ^__^

This summer was a very humid one, so I was honestly not planning on wearing lolita for ages. But one day dawn quite cool, and it was a WFH day, so I wore lolita for work and then a little bit of YouTube filming in my lunch break.

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille Teddy Chocolatier
Cutsew: Handmade
Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao

Of course, it got really hot just after lunch so off the coord came, but I did enjoy wearing it...even if it is an accidental almost exact repeat of a coord from last year ^__^

And then...James and I moved to another state! We literally put everything into storage, except for what we could fit into our little hatchback car and drove. So for the time being I only have a "capsule" wardrobe with me (i.e. a coord with a few changeable pieces for a few different looks), and of course, that was so we could do some shoots!

One week and one day into our new life we did a lovely afternoon photoshoot at my dad's place, and here's an unedited shot my coord.

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille Rose Stripe Shirring
Bolero: Maxicimam
Capelet & Beret: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
OTKS: Innocent World
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand is cold here! And thus I have not had the desire to wear lolita since that shoot. I certainly will be busting out this coord/its variants in future for YouTube filming, if nothing else, but it's almost winter and honestly I'm living in tracksuits with the heater on already.

So we end this coord roundup on that simple note, and who knows where I'll be going from here ^__^

Thursday, 6 June 2024

A hime lolita capsule wardobe

It has been a while, but I'm back at it with another digital lolita capsule wardrobe and this time it's hime lolita. This one has actually been in the works for over a year and it was good to finish it off. And yes, I do have an accompanying YouTube video (embedded at the end of this post) if you want to hear me talk about the hime substyle.

Because this is my blog, I just want to talk about the capsule itself here ^__^

Hime is...not my thing. Don't get me wrong, I love it! The frills, the luxurious fabrics, the decadence, the elegance! However, it's not me at all. I'd love to try it one day for like a photoshoot or something, but only if I could borrow the outfit.

So this was definitely out of my wheelhouse ^__^ However, I think I did a decent job. The wardrobe is still versatile and can yield a lot of different coords. In hindsight, a bolero or two and some further legwear options might have been good, but they aren't necessary. I really liked how I included the corset and lace cape as layering options, I think they very much upped the fancy factor.

In this substyle more than anything, actual IRL styling is what would make this trying hime and not just fancy. You need the big hair, big makeup and lots of dainty jewelry to really make these looks sing.

Aaaaand speaking of the looks, here is my usual assortment of example coords!

The first main piece is Princess of Roses JSK by Angelic Pretty and to me, this is the most hime piece in the wardrobe. It's a gorgeous pastel pink with lots of frills, lace and textures - it's very OTT and very, very sweet lolita. It also goes perfectly with everything and I utterly love it.

On the opposite side of the colour spectrum of this wardrobe is Angelic Pretty's Dream Rose JSK. Whilst still very opulent and superficially kind of similar to the other JSK, this one is a bit more classic leaning and that was a deliberate choice to get variety in style as well as colour in this very narrow substyle.

And no, your eyes don't deceive you - it's more AP, this time the Dramatic Rose (one of my fave AP florals) skirt. Being pink, this is another piece that goes with everything - I personally really like the coord with the touches of wine.

And last of all...not AP! This is the newest release of BTSSB's Sugar Bouquet. This main piece is definitely the odd one out since on its own it is very plain. This was a deliberate choice to give the wardrobe something simpler. As you can see, it can easily be dressed up with layering, or worn a bit more casually. Still not casual by any stretch of the imagination, but still. I also felt like this piece is very typical of the time period I associate with hime lolita i.e. the early 2010s.

 So what do you think? Is it hime enough? I think so, but as I said, not my area of expertise ^__^

 Regardless, I like it as a capsule. Maybe not my best, but certain a functional and versatile long as you want to look like a princess all the time!

Monday, 1 January 2024

Coordinates from September - December 2023

Once again, this four-month period is a lie. I didn't wear lolita at all in September (I blame catching Covid) and only once at the end of October - on Halloween, to be exact!

Despite the date, this coord was not worn for Halloween. James was doing the last of the spooky shoots for this year on the day itself, so since I had to be respectable I decided I wanted to dress up because it had been so long. I also ran some errands after work and enjoyed being cute for all of it.

OP: Metamorphose temps de fille Camellia Cat
OTKS: Innocent World
Shoes: Bodyline
Headdress: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao
I decided to wear Camellia Cat since it had been a while and just built up something simple from there. I think this is actually the first time I've worn as rectangle headdress outside of a photoshoot, and I really like it with my current hairstyle...though as you can see I did add extra bows and flowers.

That weekend I finally got off my butt and filmed some YouTube content and thus wore a coord again ^__^

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille Rose Stripe Shirring
Bolero: Maxicimam
OTKS: Innocent World
Shoes: Bodyline
Headbow: Metamorphose temps de fille 
Everything else: Offbrand

I loved this coord, it was very me - simple, cute and straddling the line between sweet and classic.

And it gets better! I specifically wanted to wear this JSK as it was the only main piece I had with me that I could try on my new Sleepyland cutsew with (I was filming an unboxing of it), so please enjoy coord version two.

I will admit, yellow is not my best colour, but I love this cutsew, it gives my wardrobe some great new options, and I don't think it looks bad on me, just not as good a some other colours lol.

I also took a selfie that I actually like ^__^

And (I'm sure you're not surprised) that was it for me in terms of lolita for the end of 2023. As a whole I feel very neutral about the year from a lolita perspective, but I do like the coords I wore ^__^