October was hectic - mostly moving, but also getting a new secondhand car and the day job getting extra full on. Fortunately, things were significantly more settled towards the end of the month, which meant that when James and I decided to go to a local Geek Market, I threw together a quick costume coord with my little antlers and some deer makeup.
JSK & OTKS: Metamorphose temps de fille
Blouse: Glittertale
Shoes: Bodyline
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Antlers: Bedevilled Horns
Flowers: Taobao
You can't really see it, but I'm wearing a cute green and white bead bracelet I bought at the market from
Haromega. I tried to take a close up but failed so...yeah...
But, in most exciting lolita news, James spotted someone selling these boots. In my size. For $5.
I will admit, they're not something I'd have normally bought if I was hunting for shoes online, they're a bit too...modern?... for my lolita tastes but for that price, great condition, right there, there was no way I'd pass them up! Especially given how tiny my current wardrobe is, adding a pair of shoes makes a big impact.
Then, as is usual for me, especially in recent times, it was a while before I wore lolita again. But I did bust out the frills when I needed a motivation boost to WFH in early December. I felt cute and put together, and the coord did it's job of making me feel like a proper human being for the day so yay!
JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille
Blouse: Glittertale
Headbow: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Everything else: Offbrand
I really liked this coord. The simplicity really felt like going back to a very "me" style of coordinating and actually got me excited for wearing lolita more. Fingers crossed I get some sewing time in soon, because I'd love to have a few more pieces in my wardrobe.
Also, since I dyed my hair back to natural and it came out a bit darker...with the red headbow I'm feeling a bit Snow White ^__^
So nothing too noteworthy over the end of the year, but I'm finally settled and have big (little) plans for my lolita capsule so we'll see what the new year brings!