
Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Recent lolita YouTube videos

Ahem... So yeah, I've made videos about a few lolita things that I have not blogged about so I figured it was high time I shared them here! In no particular order:

I shared a gift giving guide for anyone unsure of how to give a lolita fashion enthusiast a lolita gift. I think I did a good, thorough job if I say so myself. This was a Lolita Fashion YouTubers collab, so click through more videos on the theme of "gifts".

Another LFY collab was this topic - what is uniquely you about your lolita style? I found this a challenge to actually define and therefore an absolutely worthwhile video to make! 

Most recently I shared a quick upcycling/DIY video showing how I turned a thrifted shirt into a cute lolita cutsew. It was fun and as I mentioned in my last post, I have a LOT of sewing and DIY plans for my lolita wardrobe.

If you like watching as well as reading lolita content, I hope you enjoy my videos ^__^ 

Saturday, 15 February 2025

I only have a tiny lolita capsule wardrobe

As you know, last year James and I relocated to Tasmania. We came down here with only the contents of our tiny car and left everything else in storage.

This meant that whilst I did bring some lolita clothes with me - this subculture is too much an integral art of me to do otherwise - all I could bring was a tiny capsule that amounted to realistically being a single coord with a bunch of variations.

Yep, that's it. But as a capsule, it worked rather well. Whilst every possible coord naturally would use the same dress and shoes, there's some variation there.

And, of course, it hasn't stayed that small. As I wrote a while ago, I received a cloak from Lolita Inside and it works with lolita, though I have since decided it's not really a proper part of my wardrobe. I know it may seem like an arbitrary line but I would not wear that cloak as part of a regular coord, therefore I'm counting it as part of my costume collection that can, on occasion, be used in lolita. I have several items like that in my regular wardrobe too.


Anyway, thrifting down here has been pretty good on the lolita front, so my current wardrobe actually looks more like this.

Since putting that collage together I've also made a bunch of jewellery and acquired a crochet mushroom handbag. In addition I have the following projects in the works (or at least have the materials for them):

  • A long sleeve red upcycled cutsew
  • A tan and offwhite apron skirt with mathcing headpiece
  • A cream and pink/red floral skirt with matching headpiece
  • A red floral OP with matching headpiece
  • Several pairs of socks to decorate, both knee high and ankle length
  • A ivory lace top to turn into a bolero
  • Brown boots and offwhite sheer blouse not pictured until I finish the YouTube video they're for
  • An old-school gobelin headdress 
  • A pink with white lace headbow
  • A prin short sleeve shirred blouse
  • A pink-and-blue men's collared shirt to turn into a blouse
  • A pale green men's collared shirt, ditto

And on top of all that, I have plenty more jewellery supplies and lace for wristcuffs...I have a lot to do! ^__^

All in all, I've loved having this capsule wardrobe. I feel it's really made me more creative and more thoughtful. With a larger wardrobe, if something doesn't work you can just wear something else, but in a capsule every single thing matters. I like that it has stretched me in ways that I've never experienced, even as a new lolita. 

I've also been enjoying documenting my capsule journey, and intend to do more of it!

If you prefer to see things in video form, here are two YouTube videos where I've talked about my capsule. I've mentioned before that I'm more into video content than vlogging these days, but I hope this post was enjoyable nevertheless ^__^



Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Coordinates from October - December 2024

October was hectic - mostly moving, but also getting a new secondhand car and the day job getting extra full on. Fortunately, things were significantly more settled towards the end of the month, which meant that when James and I decided to go to a local Geek Market, I threw together a quick costume coord with my little antlers and some deer makeup.

JSK & OTKS: Metamorphose temps de fille
Blouse: Glittertale
Shoes: Bodyline
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Antlers: Bedevilled Horns
Flowers: Taobao

You can't really see it, but I'm wearing a cute green and white bead bracelet I bought at the market from Haromega. I tried to take a close up but failed so...yeah...

But, in most exciting lolita news, James spotted someone selling these boots. In my size. For $5. 

I will admit, they're not something I'd have normally bought if I was hunting for shoes online, they're a bit too...modern?... for my lolita tastes but for that price, great condition, right there, there was no way I'd pass them up! Especially given how tiny my current wardrobe is, adding a pair of shoes makes a big impact.

Then, as is usual for me, especially in recent times, it was a while before I wore lolita again. But I did bust out the frills when I needed a motivation boost to WFH in early December. I felt cute and put together, and the coord did it's job of making me feel like a proper human being for the day so yay!

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille
Blouse: Glittertale
Headbow: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Everything else: Offbrand 

I really liked this coord. The simplicity really felt like going back to a very "me" style of coordinating and actually got me excited for wearing lolita more. Fingers crossed I get some sewing time in soon, because I'd love to have a few more pieces in my wardrobe.

Also, since I dyed my hair back to natural and it came out a bit darker...with the red headbow I'm feeling a bit Snow White ^__^

So nothing too noteworthy over the end of the year, but I'm finally settled and have big (little) plans for my lolita capsule so we'll see what the new year brings!