
Monday, 1 January 2024

Coordinates from September - December 2023

Once again, this four-month period is a lie. I didn't wear lolita at all in September (I blame catching Covid) and only once at the end of October - on Halloween, to be exact!

Despite the date, this coord was not worn for Halloween. James was doing the last of the spooky shoots for this year on the day itself, so since I had to be respectable I decided I wanted to dress up because it had been so long. I also ran some errands after work and enjoyed being cute for all of it.

OP: Metamorphose temps de fille Camellia Cat
OTKS: Innocent World
Shoes: Bodyline
Headdress: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao
I decided to wear Camellia Cat since it had been a while and just built up something simple from there. I think this is actually the first time I've worn as rectangle headdress outside of a photoshoot, and I really like it with my current hairstyle...though as you can see I did add extra bows and flowers.

That weekend I finally got off my butt and filmed some YouTube content and thus wore a coord again ^__^

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille Rose Stripe Shirring
Bolero: Maxicimam
OTKS: Innocent World
Shoes: Bodyline
Headbow: Metamorphose temps de fille 
Everything else: Offbrand

I loved this coord, it was very me - simple, cute and straddling the line between sweet and classic.

And it gets better! I specifically wanted to wear this JSK as it was the only main piece I had with me that I could try on my new Sleepyland cutsew with (I was filming an unboxing of it), so please enjoy coord version two.

I will admit, yellow is not my best colour, but I love this cutsew, it gives my wardrobe some great new options, and I don't think it looks bad on me, just not as good a some other colours lol.

I also took a selfie that I actually like ^__^

And (I'm sure you're not surprised) that was it for me in terms of lolita for the end of 2023. As a whole I feel very neutral about the year from a lolita perspective, but I do like the coords I wore ^__^