
Friday, 26 November 2021

3 Looks: My wedding dress

It's been a very long time since I did the whole "one main piece, three looks" thing - almost exactly 4 years, to be precise. Back in the day I went through my entire collection of main pieces twice (though of course, pieces came and went as I moved through it) and I found it a really fun and helpful exercise. But then I did the AYWI30C challenge, and didn't want to have two flatlay series going on at once.

However, I'm not done with that, and back on board with this! Since I like doing these things "in order" I have a little document going. The first time I did this I recorded the order, then the second time I repeated it, but added in new pieces as the arrived. Since I always intended to do this again, I've been adding all my new main pieces to the top of list from oldest to newest.

So the oldest main piece of mine that I have done a "three looks" for just so happens to be my wedding dress.

It's an amazingly beautiful dress, as well as obviously having a lot of sentimental value as my wedding dress. My actual wedding coord included a matching bolero, but I wanted to explore options that didn't sue that, and also that made minimal use of the other pieces I wore for my wedding.

Without further ado, onto the flatlays!

Bolero: Innocent World
Tights, Headbow & Shoes: Taobao
Flower: Kmart
Necklace: Kitten D'Amour
Brooch: Axes Femme

For the first coord, I immediately thought of this Innocent World bolero, because it also has beautiful lace. And things built up pretty organically from there! To me, this is a fairly "standard" classic coordinate - very nice, but not particularly noteworthy. BUt as I always say...that's okay, things don't need to be noteworthy to be good!

Blouse: Lady Sloth
Socks: Innocent World
Shoes: Taobao
Flower crown: Lyris Design
Flower: Offbrand 
Brooch: Peppermint Fox

However, I did want to try something a little more unexpected, and decided to use my salmon pink blouse/shoes combo. I was a little unsure about how it would work but I shouldn't have been - this is my favourite cord of the three! 

Capelet: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Socks: Innocent World
Shoes: Taobao
Fawn headdress & flower corsage: Taobao (Sweet Dreamer)
Red flowers & bracelets: Offbrand

Admittedly, for the last coord I struggled a bit as I didn't want to use blouses I'd previously worn or flatlay-ed with this dress. But since the struggle led me to a fawn fur look I am very much not complaining! I feel like this coordinate perhaps needs a little tweaking to be perfect, but I'm not quite sure what...and regardless, it's cute and something I wouldn't have done if not for this flatlay post so I'm happy ^__^

I also did a bit of artsy filming of these outfits, so if you'd like to see more check out my YouTube - video will be up later today!

Hope you enjoyed the resumption of this series - I did, and I'm already keen to do the next one. 

Monday, 1 November 2021

Coordinates from October 2021

As is the norm for 2021, October was another quiet month on the lolita front. But, as usual, I'm not phased by that ^__^

It was my birthday on October 4th, and unexpectedly I celebrated with a little lolita high tea. A friend is lodging with us to do nursing placement at a nearby hospital, and since she's interested in lolita she said "you were going to host a high tea last year, why not now?" so the two of us dressed up and James brought us noms and drinks and it was a very nice time.

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille Teddy Chocolatier
Blouse: Glitter Tale
Wristcuffs & Necklace: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Bodyline
Bear Ears: Mai Dreamin
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao

I also vlogged the affair on YouTube, because why wouldn't I?

And then nothing for the rest of the month, until Halloween! We had an unexpectedly busy and fun at-home Halloween, and I dressed as a fairy. I vlogged this day too, but the video will be coming later this week, so no link yet ^__^

JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille Rose Stripe Shirring
Blouse: Glitter Tale
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Bodyline
Socks & Flowers: Offbrand/Taobao
Wings: Fancy Fairy Wings & Things

Forgive the picture quality, it's a screencap from a video. But overall I loved this look. This dress is always a fave, I love looped braids and flowers, and any reason to wear my fairy wings is a good reason!

I also took some selfies that I'm very, very happy with, so you get one of those too!

Anyway, that was October in my lolita world. How was yours?