
Sunday, 21 March 2021

A pre-order?

I have achieved a new lolita milestone and pre-ordered a thing! I'm very excited by it, which is why I'm actually posting about it not rather than just when I get the dress in June or July.  Because just look at the prettiness!

I discovered that Meta had this series, Camellia ~cat hide and seek~, coming out for pre-order 
on Wednesday last week. And internally (since I was at work) I just went "oh no".

I'm trying really, really hard - and succeeding, might I add! - to not spend much on lolita for a good while. Brand-new burando was not in the plan at all.

But this dress...this dress!
  • It's in Meta's new plus size sizing, so it'll fit me great
  • It's a camellia print
  • It's a wa print without being in one of those not-very-versatile wa cuts
  • It has Meta's usual assortment of detachable bows
  • The dumbass cat in the print look super similar to my dumbass cat!

Seriously, everything about this dress was an instant love, and it's also something that works well with my wardrobe without being similar at all to anything I already have. So I went home, showed it to James, and he liked it too so it was decided!

Fortunately, this cut (apparently it has no lining, which I'm sure is a contributing factor to the low cost) is the cheapest I've ever seen a brand OP for - ¥23,000 excluding tax...and tax is excluded since I'm a foreign customer, yay! It worked out to just under $300AUD which is still kind of yikes, but I also feel that it's going to be well worth it. I have a dedicated lolita spending account, where I channel a tiny bit of every paycheck, and that covered almost half so I don't feel too guilty ^__^

It's pretty rare for me to fall this hard for a dress, so I'm really happy that I was in a position where I could just go for it and I can't wait to get it later this year ^__^

Monday, 15 March 2021

AYWI30C #29: To suit a particular hairstyle

Can I confess that it's really kind of terrifying to be so close to finish this prompt series? Only one more after then, then probably a retrospective and then... nothingness!

Okay, so that's a little melodramatic, but so is this coord! For this prompt (and the next one about make-up inspiration) I wanted to take inspiration from a hairstyle I've actually done in the past and I chose this Rococo style up-do. There's two balls of wool in there ^__^

To match this hair I tried to go kind of Rococo, and didn't really get there. But I think I came up with a very pretty and opulent classic look, and if I were to wear it with this hairstyle I think the hair would take it from just classic all the way to OTT.

One of my fave ways to spice up a classic coord is clipping flowers to the shoes. It lets you bring in a pop of colour and texture and also, well, more flowers are just good!

Speaking of flowers, once again my headwear choice for this coord is just....lots of flowers. Because it will just work! I can totally see in in my head ^__^

Choosing legwear for this coord also made me realise that I don't really have much that's colour yet classic.  I have lots and lots of brown-based patterned stuff, but in the end for this coord I could pick from only three pairs. I know, I know, that sounds like an incredibly first world problem, but I love this coord so much that I was kind of sad not to have more variety.

Because yes, I haven't mentioned it yet, but I love this coord! Will definitely wear it someday and who knows, may even wear it with the hair!

The only dark colour in this outfit is the bag, and I could have gone with a white or pink on if I'd really wanted to keep it super light. But for some reason this bag felt right, so there you have it.

As I said, I love this outfit, and it's also solidified something I was vaguely figuring out - I want to wear more lolita that isn't based on black or brown (or pink, to a lesser extent). I think I'm evolving a bit in my tastes, and this coord exemplifies that in a way I can't really explain. 

Monday, 1 March 2021

Coordinates from February 2021

February was another "quiet" month in lolita terms. Compared to 2020? Pffft it was nothing! Compared to my previous and likely future lolita habits? Perfectly normal ^__^

I first wore lolita to my counselling appointment. I enjoyed pairing this skirt with more white - usually I pick out pink from the print but I decided to keep it more neutral for once. 

Skirt & Shoes: Bodyline 
Cutsew, Headbow & Bracelet: Angelic Pretty
Everything else: Offbrand

I busted out lolita again on Valentine's Day...but not because it was Valentine's Day but because I was assisting James on a photoshoot and decided if I had to wear clothes I'd wear fun clothes! Super casual outfit, but I really liked it!

Skirt: Handmade
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Bag: Coquettish Tiara
Everything else: Offbrand

Also, enjoy this bonus shot of me reacting to a gust of wind while James was taking my picture ^__^

My last outfit for February was once again worn to counselling, with a bit of errand-running beforehand. This coord was kind of inspired by one I put together for AYWI30C, though it ended up pretty different the concept is the same.

JSK: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Shirring Princess
Cutsew & Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Metamorphose temps de fille
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand/Taobao

You can't see it in the photo, but these socks have strawberries going up the back! Combined with the bustle back made me feel pretty was a party back there!

So that was my February in lolita fashion. Nothing groundbreaking but fun nevertheless ^__^