As you know, last year James and I relocated to Tasmania. We came down here with only the contents of our tiny car and left everything else in storage.
This meant that whilst I did bring some lolita clothes with me - this subculture is too much an integral art of me to do otherwise - all I could bring was a tiny capsule that amounted to realistically being a single coord with a bunch of variations.
Yep, that's it. But as a capsule, it worked rather well. Whilst every possible coord naturally would use the same dress and shoes, there's some variation there.
And, of course, it hasn't stayed that small. As I wrote a while ago, I received a cloak from Lolita Inside and it works with lolita, though I have since decided it's not really a proper part of my wardrobe. I know it may seem like an arbitrary line but I would not wear that cloak as part of a regular coord, therefore I'm counting it as part of my costume collection that can, on occasion, be used in lolita. I have several items like that in my regular wardrobe too.
Anyway, thrifting down here has been pretty good on the lolita front, so my current wardrobe actually looks more like this.
Since putting that collage together I've also made a bunch of jewellery and acquired a crochet mushroom handbag. In addition I have the following projects in the works (or at least have the materials for them):
- A long sleeve red upcycled cutsew
- A tan and offwhite apron skirt with mathcing headpiece
- A cream and pink/red floral skirt with matching headpiece
- A red floral OP with matching headpiece
- Several pairs of socks to decorate, both knee high and ankle length
- A ivory lace top to turn into a bolero
- Brown boots and offwhite sheer blouse not pictured until I finish the YouTube video they're for
- An old-school gobelin headdress
- A pink with white lace headbow
- A prin short sleeve shirred blouse
- A pink-and-blue men's collared shirt to turn into a blouse
- A pale green men's collared shirt, ditto
And on top of all that, I have plenty more jewellery supplies and lace for wristcuffs...I have a lot to do! ^__^
All in all, I've loved having this capsule wardrobe. I feel it's really made me more creative and more thoughtful. With a larger wardrobe, if something doesn't work you can just wear something else, but in a capsule every single thing matters. I like that it has stretched me in ways that I've never experienced, even as a new lolita.
I've also been enjoying documenting my capsule journey, and intend to do more of it!
If you prefer to see things in video form, here are two YouTube videos where I've talked about my capsule. I've mentioned before that I'm more into video content than vlogging these days, but I hope this post was enjoyable nevertheless ^__^